Robbins Mill Map (PDF)
North Acton Trails Map (PDF)
Location: In the northeast part of Acton, against the Carlisle boundary and just north of Spring Hill Conservation Land and Nashoba Brook Conservation Land
Loop trail: 1.0 MIle
Acreage: 95 acres
Terrain/Trail Conditions: Almost entirely level except for two small hillocks, There are a handful of stream crossings, most with bridges or boardwalks.
- At the far end of the Robbins Mill recreation area off of Canterbury Hill Road. The recreation area has a large Parking area. The Kiosk is at the beginning of the trail at the edge of the woods.
- From a spur trail leaving Marion’s trail in Carlisle’s Ben’s Woods Conservation Land that goes to the Acton/Carlisle boundary.
- From Spring Hill Conservation area, via a short spur off of the northern portion of the Spring Hill Loop trail.
Robbins Mill Conservation Land was acquired by the Town of Acton in 2011 as a result of conditions stipulated when the Town approved the Robbins Mill Estates subdivision in 2004. The Planning Board required that the developer must offer several common land parcels to the Town for acceptance as public land concurrently with the acceptance of the subdivision’s street and public ways. There are two main parcels that are designated as conservation land and are managed by the Acton Land Stewardship Committee.
The two tracts of land are separated by a play field and the Boy Scouts Land. The larger section is approximately 95 acres. This section is adjacent to the Robbins Mill Recreation Field located off of Canterbury Hill Road. Parking is available at the field, and a short access trail begins at the transition of the field and woods. The smaller section of land is a narrow strip that is just under 20 acres, has an entrance off of Carlisle Road and runs adjacent to Robbins Mill Pond and then adjacent to the Boy Scouts Land.
The 95-acre tract is referred to as Robbins Mill Conservation Land and consists mostly of deciduous (maple and oaks) and conifer trees. There also numerous stone walls throughout this land. The Land Stewardship Committee members cleared paths in 2013. The trails include a main loop trail (yellow-blazed trail that is approximately 1 mile in length), and several access trails (red-blazed). The tract is fairly level and can be wet during the Spring or rainy season. Several bridges have been built to accommodate hikers during these wet periods. The bridges were built by Boy Scout volunteers and LSC stewards.
On the western side of the main loop is an access path leading to Spring Hill Conservation Land. On the eastern side of the main loop there is also another access trail. This access trail crosses the natural gas pipeline easement owned and maintained by the Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company. Bog bridges have been placed over this easement as this area can be particularly wet. After a short distance, one can branch off this trail to head south-easterly towards Ben’s Woods Conservation Land in Carlisle, MA. Continuing on the main access trail, one can walk a short loop trail (blue-blazed) that runs near a small pond. Please note that portions of these trails (in particular the pond loop trail and access trails) are adjacent to private property, and hikers should respect the privacy of private land owners.
Robbins Mill Map (PDF)